Pre-Flight Planning

Personal safety & protection of property is our first priority. Pre-flight planning, inspections and two party checklist are part of every unmanned aerial photography flight.  While flying the drone, a member of the ground crew always has visual contact with the equipment. A thorough inspection of all equipment is conducted following each flight.
In terms of weather, we do not fly in the rain.

In terms of lighting, be aware of the effects that the sun can have on your shot.  We like to keep the sun behind us when possible.  The same principle applies to every photography technique, but the effect is amplified over water, and everything looks dark if the sun is shining toward the drone. Noontime sun with zero clouds provides the ideal lighting conditions, but it is not always possible to time your shoot down to the minute. When it comes to capturing your shots within the time frame necessary for perfect light, our practice and experience in the field will serve you extremely well.

Before the action begins, it pays to think ahead and meticulously plan out your shot.  Where is the subject, and where does it seem likely to move? Where is the sun? What is its angle, and how does this affect your shot? How hard is the wind blowing in relation to your desired subject and frame? Where is the subject going, and where will it end up after the action is over and the shot has been captured?  Pre-Flight Planning is invaluable.  A heightened alertness and good sense with regard to our surroundings pays off.  We’re ready for things to change at any moment, and have a back-up plan in place.
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Pre-flight Drone Operation Planning and Preparedness

Operating a drone is both an exciting and challenging endeavor that requires careful planning and preparation. Pre-flight drone operation planning and preparedness is essential for all drone users, whether they are commercial or recreational pilots. By taking the time to plan and prepare for your upcoming flight, you can minimize the potential risks and maximize the safety of your flight. This planning and preparation should include researching local safety regulations, making sure you have the right equipment, and understanding the various flight modes and capabilities of your specific drone. By following these steps, you can ensure a safe and successful flight.

Steps to Ensure a Safe Flight

Before taking off with your drone, it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure a safe flight. These steps should include researching local safety regulations, making sure you have the right equipment, and understanding the various flight modes and capabilities of your specific drone.

Two man drone flight crew in downtown St. Louis.
Two man drone flight crew in downtown St. Louis.

Understanding Local Safety Regulations

The first step in pre-flight drone operation planning and preparedness is to research local safety regulations. Depending on where you are flying, there may be restrictions or regulations in place that you need to follow. For example, in the US, the FAA regulates the operation of drones and requires all drone operators to follow certain rules and regulations. It is important to familiarize yourself with these regulations and make sure you are following them when operating your drone.

It is also important to check for any temporary flight restrictions in the area where you are flying. These restrictions may be in place for a variety of reasons, such as national security or air traffic control. It is important to check for any temporary flight restrictions before taking off with your drone.

Ensuring You Have the Right Equipment

The second step in pre-flight drone operation planning and preparedness is to ensure that you have the right equipment. This includes having the right drone, batteries, charger, and other accessories. It is also important to make sure that all of your equipment is in good working order and that you have enough batteries to last for the duration of your flight.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that you have the right safety equipment, such as a first-aid kit, fire extinguisher, and other safety items. Having the right safety equipment is essential for ensuring a safe flight.

Understanding Flight Modes and Capabilities of Your Drone

The third step in pre-flight drone operation planning and preparedness is to understand the various flight modes and capabilities of your specific drone. There are many different types of drones on the market, and each one has its own unique capabilities. It is important to familiarize yourself with the various flight modes and capabilities of your drone so that you can use them safely and effectively. Additionally, it is important to understand the limitations of your drone and not to exceed them.

Tips on Maximizing Flight Safety

In addition to following the steps outlined above, there are also a few tips that can help to maximize the safety of your flight. These tips include:

  • Make sure to read and understand the user manual for your drone before taking off.
  • Check the weather conditions before taking off to make sure that they are safe for flying.
  • Plan your flight path and altitude before taking off in order to avoid any obstacles or restricted areas.
  • Make sure you have adequate signal strength from your remote control and drone.
  • Check your drone for any potential mechanical issues before taking off.
  • Make sure to turn off your drone when not in use.

Following these tips can help to ensure a safe and successful flight.

Pre-Flight Checklist

Before taking off with your drone, it is important to go through a pre-flight checklist to ensure that everything is in order and that you are prepared for your flight. This checklist should include:

  • Researching local safety regulations
  • Ensuring you have the right equipment
  • Understanding flight modes and capabilities of your drone
  • Checking the weather conditions
  • Making sure you have adequate signal strength
  • Checking your drone for any potential mechanical issues
  • Making sure all safety equipment is in order

Going through this checklist can help to ensure that everything is in order before you take off with your drone.

Post-Flight Checklist

After you have completed your flight, it is important to go through a post-flight checklist to make sure that everything is in order. This checklist should include:

  • Making sure all safety equipment is in order
  • Checking the weather conditions
  • Making sure you have adequate signal strength
  • Checking your drone for any potential mechanical issues
  • Making sure all batteries are charged and ready for the next flight
  • Making sure all data from the flight is backed up
  • Making sure all photos and videos from the flight are backed up

Going through this checklist can help to ensure that everything is in order after you have completed your flight.

Pre-flight checklist with William H Macy for The Layover movie shot in St. Louis
Pre-flight checklist with William H Macy for The Layover movie shot in St. Louis.

Professional Drone Services

If you are looking for professional assistance with pre-flight drone operation planning and preparedness, there are a variety of services available. These services can provide you with assistance in researching local safety regulations, understanding flight modes and capabilities of your drone, and ensuring that you have the right equipment. Additionally, these services can provide you with assistance in creating a pre-flight and post-flight checklist, as well as providing you with tips on maximizing flight safety.

By taking advantage of these services, you can ensure that your flight is as safe and successful as possible.

Pre-flight drone operation planning and preparedness is essential for all drone users, whether they are commercial or recreational pilots. By taking the time to plan and prepare for your upcoming flight, you can minimize the potential risks and maximize the safety of your flight. This planning and preparation should include researching local safety regulations, making sure you have the right equipment, and understanding the various flight modes and capabilities of your specific drone. Additionally, it is important to go through a pre-flight and post-flight checklist to ensure that everything is in order before and after your flight. Finally, taking advantage of professional drone services can also help to ensure that your flight is as safe and successful as possible. By following these steps, you can ensure a safe and successful flight.
Robert Haller, Drone Specialist

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